
xp/[ダンプ数][形式][サイズ] メモリアドレス
形式:x=16進,o,d,u,c, "i=アセンブラ命令"

例:xp/40xb 0x10000
00010000: 0xd3 0xf0 0x2f 0xe3 0x03 0x20 0xa0 0xe3
00010008: 0x03 0x30 0xa0 0xe3 0x03 0x40 0xa0 0xe3
00010010: 0x01 0x3a 0xa0 0xe3 0xff 0xef 0x01 0xe3
00010018: 0x00 0x30 0x4e 0xe3 0x2b 0x10 0xa0 0xe3
00010020: 0x0c 0xe0 0x83 0xe5 0x56 0x00 0xa0 0xe3

例:(qemu) x/10i 0x10000
0x00010000:  e32ff0d3      msr  CPSR_fsxc, #211 ; 0xd3
0x00010004:  e3a02003      mov  r2, #3  ; 0x3
0x00010008:  e3a03003      mov  r3, #3  ; 0x3
0x0001000c:  e3a04003      mov  r4, #3  ; 0x3
0x00010010:  e3a03a01      mov  r3, #4096       ; 0x1000
0x00010014:  e301efff      movw lr, #8191       ; 0x1fff
0x00010018:  e34e3000      movt r3, #57344      ; 0xe000
0x0001001c:  e3a0102b      mov  r1, #43 ; 0x2b
0x00010020:  e583e00c      str  lr, [r3, #12]
0x00010024:  e3a00056      mov  r0, #86 ; 0x56


◎info roms

(qemu)info roms
addr=00000000 size=0x00001c mem=ram name="bootloader"
addr=00010000 size=0x0000d4 mem=ram name="/home/XXX/hello_serial/hello_serial.bin"


(qemu) xp/8i 0
0x00000000:  e3a00000      mov  r0, #0  ; 0x0
0x00000004:  e3a01032      mov  r1, #50 ; 0x32
0x00000008:  e3811c0d      orr  r1, r1, #3328   ; 0xd00
0x0000000c:  e59f2000      ldr  r2, [pc, #0]    ; 0x14
0x00000010:  e59ff000      ldr  pc, [pc, #0]    ; 0x18
0x00000014:  00000100      andeq        r0, r0, r0, lsl #2
0x00000018:  00010000      andeq        r0, r1, r0
0x0000001c:  00000000      andeq        r0, r0, r0

info romsに限らず、info mtree, info qtree, info trace-events, etcetc...重要な情報源になりそう。デバックにもかなり有効と思う。

(qemu) info
info balloon  -- show balloon information
info block  -- show the block devices
info blockstats  -- show block device statistics
info capture  -- show capture information
info chardev  -- show the character devices
info cpus  -- show infos for each CPU
info history  -- show the command line history
info jit  -- show dynamic compiler info
info kvm  -- show KVM information
info mice  -- show which guest mouse is receiving events
info migrate  -- show migration status
info mtree  -- show memory tree
info name  -- show the current VM name
info network  -- show the network state
info numa  -- show NUMA information
info pci  -- show PCI info
info pcmcia  -- show guest PCMCIA status
info profile  -- show profiling information
info qdm  -- show qdev device model list
info qtree  -- show device tree
info registers  -- show the cpu registers
info roms  -- show roms
info snapshots  -- show the currently saved VM snapshots
info status  -- show the current VM status (running|paused)
info trace-events  -- show available trace-events & their state
info usb  -- show guest USB devices
info usbhost  -- show host USB devices
info usernet  -- show user network stack connection states
info uuid  -- show the current VM UUID
info version  -- show the version of QEMU
info vnc  -- show the vnc server status

◎cpu n